Thursday, October 23, 2008

come on people!

I have really had it! It's almost one in the morning, I have a cold, my toe's broken, and I have a stats test tomorrow, I mean today, and yet I'm still awake. Why? Because Prop 8 is seriously driving me crazy! I have been getting so much CRAP from people in the church telling me that I'm intolerant of other people because I'm voting yes on Prop 8. Well all I have to say is, " deal with it!" Last time I checked I sustained the brethren as our leaders in the church and I actually pray and follow their council. WOW how hard is that?! REALLY?! I'm not going to apologize for basing the choices I make in my life on the gospel of Jesus Christ, so please stop acting like religion has no place in this decision. I was there in California during Prop 22. We went knocking doors trying to educate people on the issue of same sex marriage. Last time I checked the people of California voted against same sex marriage. But the good old ninth circuit court decided that Californians were not smart enough to make decisions on that big of an issue and decided to over turn the ruling. Are we being punked? Come on where's Ashton Kutcher (probably in a line somewhere with Matt Damon on his right and Ellen on his left indoctrinating college students with their cool actor opinions) I don't need actors who participate in who knows what in there spare time telling me what decisions to make in my life. I have God to go to for advice thank you very much. In all honesty I feel bad for people who are being lead astray by satan, darth vador, and anyone else who has been converted to the dark side. Maybe I'm being narrow minded but if the scriptures have taught me anything, it's that there's only one truth: God's. I'm either on God's side or satan. I'm thinking when all is said and done I want to be on God's side. President Fillmore always taught that if we ever needed an example of what to do in life we should look to the brethren and follow there example. Well, I'm lookin' and thank goodness that I'm on the same side as men who I sustain as Prophets, Seers, and Revlators of the church. Wow that was a close one! I have friends from Cali who are gay and I love them however I do not agree with their life style. Can we just vote already?!! PLEASE!


kris said...

Love you girl and agree with you 100%. In fact, I'm shocked by how many members of the church are doing it. It truly is the last days.

Schmath said...

I think you should be able to vote however you want. Mormons really tell you that you are intolerant? I'd like to see them say it to the prophet's face. Sorry about the toe and cold and test. Sounds like torture.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just because someone is gay and someone wants to vote no way in hell on prop 8 does not make them dark. Your religion has clouded you. Your post was full of hate- you are the exact reason I despise religious thugs and zealots. Your religion teaches you hate, I feel sorry for you.