So for those of you who know me I have this problem with changing my hair style probably, on average, once a month. I'm not sure why I do this. I think it's because I get bored really really really quickly. Plus when you have short hair it starts growing out totally weird and begins to drive me nuts. Well about a week ago I got my hair cut yet again. I'm pretty sure this is the best cut I have had but I'll let you be the judge;)The cute lady in the picture with me is Clara. She lives at Jamestown where I volunteer. She likes to dance and so do I so we're a perfect combo!:)
You're so cute! I love the hair! I hope you're doing well....
So cute! I love it!
We need to come see it in person. Are you going to be around this spring?
Wait... did you graduate???
Anyway, we were going to come see you last week but Drew was being super SUPER cranky so we had to go home and take a nap.
Drew misses you.
yeah, I already told you the hair's a go. completely hot!!
OK Crazy you-- You are the BOMB DOT COM!!! hahaha Nice hair..I think I see the change...swipped bangs maybe? Hm.. you look like Ashleigh-- so I was thinking I should take a quick trip to Utah in the next couple of weeks? What do you think?
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