Sunday, August 31, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Four Places I go over & over:
1. MTC
2. MTC
4. My house

Four Places I like to eat:
1. Ernie's Sports Grill
2. Chilis
3. My grandma's house
4.My mom's house

Four Places I would like to be right now:
1. the beach
2. with the fam
3. Massachusetts with linny and skye
4. logan with kris

Four TV shows:
1. The Closer
2. Everybody loves Raymond
4. The Office

Three Joys:
1. Latin Festivals!
2.tap dancing

Three Fears:
1. heights
2. being alone forever
3. big bugs!

Three Short-term Goals:
1. Pass stats
2. work up to man push-ups
3. do more family history work!

Three obsessions:
1. Missionary work
2. America
3. tap

Three surprising facts about me:
1. I can go through six different hair styles in a year
2. I haven't been sick this month(knock on wood)
3. I read over 20 books this summer

I tag Skye, Linny, and Kris!:)


Shannon said...

I love it! Thanks, Ash. I learned a thing or two :)

Shauna said...

I think your blog needs to be updated... maybe with some pictures from So You Think You Can Dance. :)

Schmath said...

Hey Ash, want to come to my baby shower? Email your address to It's in Sandy, so I totally understand if you don't want to.

lindsy said...

oh, ok. I'll need to work on this. :)