Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yesterday was emotionally wacko for me. It started off going pretty well. My hair has a mind of its own (to the point where it really needs its own name) and was actually looking cute. I got up on time and didn't have to rush to get to work. I was confident in the steps I had put to music the night before (in the kitchen)...which means I was totally prepared to teach dance that night.
I don't know why I let one moment ruin my's really stupid when I think about it. I was trying to teach the advanced girls the rest of their dance and NOTHING was working. The steps that were-oh so perfect-in the kitchen did not translate well onto the dance floor. I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS! I get sick to my stomach and feel like I'm wasting time. Now I’m back to the drawing board… which is where all of you come in…I can’t think of one single step that I like or that even fits to finish this dance. I have choreographers block. (is that even a real thing?) So my big question to all you creative gals….which to me is all of you (sewing/knitting/painting/anything artsy fartsy=creative and let’s be honest… writing a 40 page paper = creative as well!) what do you do to get in your creative mode? I am willing to try anything!!! (well minus drugs…unless you have some 100% guarantee that I will be able to choreograph the most awesome tap dance in the history of tapping after I take it/them…I may or may not be kidding)
Maybe I just need to step away from it and start on another dance. The stupid thing is that my OCD pretty much prevents me from not finishing things. For example: remember the twilight books? Ya, I read all of them…why? Because I read the first one and I am just one of those people that MUST finish a series! SO LET THE ADVICE BEGIN!!!
On a happier note…I was so frustrated with tap yesterday that I decided to walk in on a modern class and release some frustration. It was exactly what I needed! I looked like a complete dork but it was nice to be able to participate in a different style of movement than what I’m use to! I was so calm after modern that BYU losing didn’t even faze me…weird...I know!


Schmath said...

Some people swear by brain gym.
I dunno though. I'm not creative, I just follow patterns and read music and stuff. Maybe some people are just born with it.

Jessica said...

There are two things that help me clear my head. The first is running with lots of good, fast music. The second is ice cream and listening to music. I guess music does it for me!

kris said...

I am not creative, all I can do is copy what someone else has done. listening to music always helps and giving myself time. Usually it takes me several hours to get into a creative mode, and quite honestly I don't usually have time for that.